
“It is noteworthy that civilization has to a large extent replaced the natural sexual odours by artificial scents, so-called perfumes, whose origin is partly due to the imitation or accentuation of the natural odours, in part, however, and especially in recent times, to an endeavour to conceal these natural odours, especially when the latter are of a disagreeable character. For this reason, in addition to penetrating perfumes, such as civet, ambergris, musk, etc., we have also mild perfumes, for the most part, vegetable in origin. The markedly exciting influence of these artificial scents is employed especially by women, above all by professional prostitutes, in order to excite men. Frequently also the simple perfume of flowers suffices for this purpose. Krauss tells us that in the kolo-dance of the Southern Slavs the girls fasten strong-scented flowers and sprigs in the front of their dress, and thereby excite intense sexual desire in the young men. In the East sexual stimulation by means of the sense of smell plays a far more extensive role than in Europe.

In the human species, however, as a specific elementary phenomenon of sexual reproduction, smell has long been thrust into the background by the strong development of other senses, especially that of sight. This fact is very clearly exhibited by the notable reduction which has occurred in the size of the organ of smell. In man, the frontal lobes of the brain, the seat of the highest intellectual processes and of speech, have taken the place of the olfactory lobes in the lower animals. Besides, by means of clothing, the natural odours of men and women, which previously had such marked sexual significance, have been rendered almost imperceptible, and nowadays sexual stimulation may result merely from the senses of touch and of sight, so that the hands and the lips and the female breasts have been transformed into erotic organs. Notwithstanding, however, the notable weakening of the sexual significance of smell, this most primitive sense (actually associated, as we have shown, with the activity of the germinal cells) will never completely cease to influence the sexual life.” The Sexual Life Of Our TimeIwan Bloch, M.D. (Public Domain)

SEX is bathing in the PERFUME of the BODY!

I have always found myself intoxicated by the smell of natures ‘woman’, unearthed by the overwhelming odour known poetically as the ‘muskiness of her fur’. It exhilarates me beyond words filling me ‘up’, as if I were drunk, drinking through my nose the pheromonic sensuality of her ripening bouquet, to which I celebrate shamelessly and thank my ‘lucky stars’ for the pleasure it provides me. It’s my favourite smell, and I’d never want a woman to mask it with the aroma of flowers. I’m a traditionalist and in favour of exaggeration.


“As sexual odours, the emanation from the hair of the head, the emanation from the armpits, the smell of the genital region, and the general emanation from the skin, come under consideration. The fetishism for red hair is frequently no more than an apparent hair fetishism; much more often it is really a smell fetishism because since early times red-haired individuals have been supposed to emit an emanation having a powerful sexually exciting influence. In the Romance countries, France and Italy, this belief is universally diffused. I quote another passage from d’ Annunzio’s “Lust” (p. 66): In the second volume of ” Anthropophyteia” (1905, pp. 445-447), under the title, “The Sense of Smell in Relation to the Vita Sexualis,” I have published a contribution to this interesting theme. I addressed questions regarding the matter to various authorities; and among the answers I obtained, I must mention more especially those of Dr. Th. Petermann and Oscar A. H. Schmitz, to whom I owe valuable accounts and observations, which are in part utilized in the present chapter.

‘Have you noticed the armpits of Madame Chlysoloras ?’ The Duke of Beffi indicated the dancer, upon whose alabaster forehead a firebrand of red hair was shining, like that which we see in the priestesses of Alma Tadema. Her bodice was fastened on the shoulders by very narrow straps, and in the armpits, one could see two luxuriant tufts of red hair.” Bomminaco begins to speak at large regarding the peculiar odour which is diffused by red-haired women.”Binet tells of a student of medicine who one day when sitting on a bench reading, suddenly had an erection of the penis, and on looking round he saw sitting on the same bench a red-haired woman, whom he had not before consciously observed, from whom a powerful odour emanated. The odour of the armpits also appears in France to find fetishistic lovers. The French cocotte commonly assumes during coitus a position in which the man has his nose in one of her armpits, and sometimes spontaneously offers this position. At the unrestrained dances in the Parisian winter season, more especially at the very free bal des quafz arts, held in the spring, we frequently see the men sniffing at the armpits of the girls. It is unquestionable that the odour of the body at large may in certain circumstances act as a sexual fetish. Many peculiar love relationships prove this fact.

From very early times among the common people, the odour of sweat has been regarded as a powerful aphrodisiac. I may allude to the case, reported by von Krafft-Ebing, of King Henry III., who dried his face with the chemise of Maria of Cleves, dripping with sweat, and thereby was inspired with a passionate love for her. I may refer also to the case of a peasant who, when dancing, was accustomed to dry the face of his partner with his handkerchief, which he had carried in his own armpit, and thus produced in her voluptuous excitement. An Indian king, when choosing his beloved, did so simply by smelling the clothing moistened by their perspiration, and selected the woman whose clothing was most agreeable to his sense of smell. Oscar A. H. Schmitz informed me that an English traveller in India related to him that in India lovers sometimes changed underclothing. Each wears the shirt impregnated with the perspiration of the other. The love of Princess Chimay for the gipsy Rigo is stated to have been a typical “smell-love” of this kind.

It is said that the odour of negresses and mulattresses has an especially powerful exciting influence upon Frenchmen, of which the poet Baudelaire is mentioned as an example; this writer declared that smell was the third and highest degree of voluptuousness. Recently Peter Altenberg, in “Prodromes,” has described the sexual importance of the odour of the body at large. Such typical smell fetishists, luxuriating in the general emanation of the feminine body, are mentioned by Mac6, the chief of the Parisian police. He describes very vividly how, in the larger shops, such men move about among the feminine customers, in order to intoxicate themselves with the odours proceeding from them.” The Sexual Life Of Our TimeIwan Bloch, M.D. (Public Domain)